If you would like to speedrun this, press Play Again and record your
attempt, then submit on the Discord Server in the channel
Made by {{modInfo.author}}
The Modding Tree {{TMT_VERSION.tmtNum}} by Acamaeda
Original idea by Sysages#7037 (on discord)
Note: If anyone wishes to make a mod of this game, that is perfectly
fine with me, just make sure to name it something different (ex: Break
Infinite NG+), and to make sure that the credit shown above is kept
Dev Speed: {{format(player.devSpeed)}}x Offline Time:
{{formatTime(player.offTime?player.offTime.remain:0)}} {{modInfo.specialEndgameText}}Reach {{formatWhole(modInfo.endgame)+" "+modInfo.pointsName}}
to beat the game!